• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

preservation Conserving Yellow Habaneros in Vinegar?

Hello Everybody, this is Mrs. Pepper Belly...

I have a quick question: Me and Mr. Belly are trying to conserve our handful (so far) of harvested white habaneros in vinegar so we can use the vinegar later on for flavouring various dishes.

Mr. Belly is very reluctant of using the method I dug up on a german pepper site :shocked: and so I would like to know from you all, please, :) how to conserve the peppers in the vinegar the american way :) ?

Thanks for any input, it's much appreciated :)
imaguitargod said:
I'm an Earl Gray fan myself. Picked that up from Captain Picard!

Yeah me too..that wooden box in the back left is some of the best I'd ever tried. Just Indian Tea and Oil of Bergamot.

It's from Balmer & Lawrie Co, Ltd. out of India add is called "India Summer"

The box made out of what looks like Balsa wood. With real metal hinges and latch, its pretty awesome too. :)

theHippySeedCo said:
think these are 2 yr old, i can't remember, the Pantry is full of stuff

Bishops Crowns in White Vinegar
Asian Birdseyes in Vinegar and Fish sauce
Do you boil the peppers in the vinegar and fish sauce mix, pour into sterile jars and then give them a boiling water bath before closing?

The reason I asked is I see a label on the jar still. I don't know if some folks just put them in a jar and store them or not.