beer Chile Hops


Extreme Member
I just stumbled across this a minute ago, and wont have time to continue investigating for a couple days...


I know it's an old article, but I find the topic quite interesting. Did anybody here hear about this? Has it been debunked? Studied further?

Might make for some interesting beer... :hell: :beer:
There has been and still is various chilli beers around. I haven't yet tasted one that i would rave about though.
Wheebz may be making a few gallons of it soon, by a few i mean like 900 gallons or something!
100% fake. There is no possible way that that could happen, especially coming out of the side like that. Hops and peppers aren't even in the same ORDER let alone Family or Genus. Complete and total genetic incompatibility. It would be like a horse trying to mate with a fish.

I thought it was funny how they added in the little spin about the 'wiretapping' or some other made up crap in that article that doesn't even make sense :crazy:

Funny read though. Got a good chuckle out of the fact that they knew the name of the strain of the mystery pod even though it was growing out of a plant of no relation :rofl: