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recipe-help Aji Limon recipe?

Howdy gang!

I've got a wee aji limon that's had a hard life. It has stayed quite small and only produces a few peppers a year. Right now I've got two peppers that are yellow with a third about 50% changed.

Any recipe ideas for 3 (lol) aji limon peppers?
How many peppers now? I can help with a recipe sure.
I'd do something with tequila, honey, and lime. I once had a sauce that was off the chain with these ingredients, and I think this pepper will suit it well.
I'd do something with tequila, honey, and lime. I once had a sauce that was off the chain with these ingredients, and I think this pepper will suit it well.
Daaaaaang. That sounds delicious.

Its just a wee twig of a bush, but I've got like 6 of them now. Ate one outright to get an idea of flavor. Definitely a bit of a citric lemony flavor! Probably would go super good with tequila and lime.
Yeah this dude sent me a homemade sauce once with those ingredients and it was off the chain. He actually sent it in a jar not a bottle and you smelled the tequila when you opened it. The flavor was awesome. I'd probably do vinegar, peppers, lime juice, honey, tequila, and to bulk it up, perhaps some yellow bell pepper from the supermarket and a couple jalapenos.
Yeah this dude sent me a homemade sauce once with those ingredients and it was off the chain. He actually sent it in a jar not a bottle and you smelled the tequila when you opened it. The flavor was awesome. I'd probably do vinegar, peppers, lime juice, honey, tequila, and to bulk it up, perhaps some yellow bell pepper from the supermarket and a couple jalapenos.
That sounds awesome. The heat was right around or just north of a very hot jalepeno, so that should work well.