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  1. CaneDog

    2024 Glog :(

    Great to hear that your plants are kicking it into gear DF!
  2. CaneDog

    nutrients Considering Incorporating Vermicompost for Peppers, Other Vegetables, Figs, etc.

    I vermicompost and I generally think of using it in two different ways. While it's wet/active, I mix it into soil with the idea of boosting the microbiology of the soil by introducing lots of beneficial microbes. With dry worm castings, I use it with the idea of introducing broad spectrum...
  3. CaneDog

    issue Reaper and Scorpion plants wilting

    Different varieties and different individual plants within varieties will react differently to conditions. If you transplanted them and simultaneously moved them outside rather than hardening them off first and then transplanting them (or vice versa), that would cause greater stress even if you...
  4. CaneDog

    SineNomine 2024

    Wow! Things seem to be off to a great start.
  5. CaneDog

    issue Root damage, Wet soil and Lighting. Recent transplant.

    Hey man. Nothing I see/hear worries me much. I suspect they'll grow out of the curl with a little time. The weather's going to be coming around soon anyway and once you get them outside into the natural sun and elements it cures most of those minor issues. There's a lot of volume in those...
  6. CaneDog

    Peter Peps! Grow Log

  7. CaneDog

    300gal Water Trough - Soil? Zone 8

    That watering trough sounds awesome! I go to a place called the Dirt Exchange in Ballard, WA. They sell self-service u-load soils, compost, etc., with a 1/2 CY minimum order. I'd use their Vegetable Garden Mix at $58.50 per CY, with 300 gallons being a bit under 1.5 CY, so maybe $75-$80 for...
  8. CaneDog

    container Grow Bag Mishap?

    Nice to see those guys potted up! They should be perfectly fine. Putting a dish or tray or something underneath fabric pots to provide support when moving them is helpful until they are well rooted in - like a couple months rooted in. They shouldn't be hurt by this move, but as the roots...
  9. CaneDog

    health Leaf Spot and Decay on Ahi Dulce

    That's a bummer. Leaf spots are difficult to ID visually. If its bacterial, my understanding is it becomes systemic and can't really be cured, though you can reduce or perhaps eliminate the appearance through good husbandry and other practices. It can survive on the seeds and appear later, so...
  10. CaneDog

    fertilizer When and how often to fertilize peppers in containers

    That's a great start size wise! I haven't grown with FF, but I would sure expect it to be a minimum of 6-8 weeks before they'd likely need anything and I'd wait perhaps 3-4 weeks to let them root in before I considered adding anything to see if a little push helped. FFD is know for being nute...
  11. CaneDog

    fertilizer When and how often to fertilize peppers in containers

    Hey sacguy. How big are they? The bigger they are the sooner you'd supplement. I'd expect a good while unless they're pretty big already.
  12. CaneDog

    health Padron - Western Washington Plateau.

    Looking good! Things are coming along well up here, too. I've been hardening off for plus or minus a week, depending on plant toughness and maturity. Everyone's out 24/7 now and except the youngest they're getting normal sun for my deck (not a full day, but at least 6 hours of direct...
  13. CaneDog

    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    Nice! Even the roots are looking pubescent! Several of mine are about due for a pot up as well. This season I have a Giant Arequipa Red, a couple Aji Oro (seeds courtesy of Stettoman), Tatiana F6, Manzano Amarillo Ollantaytambo and a De Seda, plus an OW that lost its label, which I'll have to...
  14. CaneDog

    disease Bacterial spot?

    It could be that they're both be fungal issues (or perhaps not). Fungal leaf spots are often assumed to be bacterial in origin given how commonly the term BLS is used. Nutritional issues can make plants more susceptible to either, so getting your nute's dialed in should help. Cooler temps and...
  15. CaneDog

    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    Probably any big box store could be an issue, but I know HD sells some container soil that's been absolutely terrible, Kellogg in particular. What you have should work well. I haven't used HP Promix before, but my understanding is it's a high porosity/drainage soil, so it might not take water...
  16. CaneDog

    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    A decent container soil suitable for food plants from a local nursery (not Home Depot) should be fine. You can even mix in some fluffy peat moss to make it go farther, particularly given that you plan to supplement some with nutrients. Good soil structure is key. My opinion is that the ROI...
  17. CaneDog

    pests Fungus gnats!

    In additional to the exposure to gnatural predators, the adults can fly away and lay their eggs elsewhere instead of being confined to the indoor containers.
  18. CaneDog

    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    I'm sure either is fine. I was wondering if linking that thread might generate some activity as I'd love to see what others are doing with rocotos this season. BTW. Your methods and plans are looking solid. I'm expecting big things from these guys!
  19. CaneDog

    outdoors The running, biking, hiking, camping forum

    Congrats Voodoo! Man, I do love the views in the southwest!