Search results

  1. Dougthehead

    issue Ridged leaves on new growth

    Hey guys, I am having the issue below with new growth on some plants that were growing very fast and healthy (see my glog on here). The only thing that I have found that changed was moving from watering them with water from my fish tank when they were seedlings to 4" pots to watering from my...
  2. Dougthehead

    Dougthehead 2023 Glog

    I guess now is as good a time as any to start a grow log. I'm currently growing under a Barrina 2000 led grow light. I'm using Berger 7 potting soil amended with bone meal, blood meal, earthworm castings, and innoculated with Mikro-Myco mycorrhizae. My current plants were dropped in on January...
  3. Dougthehead

    seeds 2023 grow Capsicum Pubescens must haves

    As the title suggests I am looking for ideas for some must have capsicum pubescens for my 2023 grow. I have never grown any of this variety so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, along with any place I could look to buy seeds. Thanks in advance.
  4. Dougthehead

    soil A soil mix that I will be using, more or less

    At the risk of being flamed and ridiculed, although I hope that that is not the case, I decided to post the mix of soil and additives/fertilizers that I will be going to once my plants are ready for it.  I know that this is a hot mix, and it is a mix primarily used by growers of another sort...
  5. Dougthehead

    For growers in the Dallas area with too many plants

    So, I find myself in the situation where I have more plants than I will be able to provide the proper growing area that they need and deserve.  I begin scouring the internet looking for somewhere I can grow them within a short drive from my horrible apartment complex that I live in for the time...
  6. Dougthehead

    pests Looking for cheapest T5 HO 2 tube 48" light w/tubes

    Hey guys, I am looking to add another light to my setup and I am trying to find the cheapest 2 tube, 48 inch T5 High Output fixture with reflector, that comes with tubes.  So far the cheapest I have found is here for $49.95:  ...
  7. Dougthehead

    pics The Post Your Seedling Pics Thread

    So, maybe I am the minority in the excitement I get when I see my first little sprouts up with their little cotyledons spread out to catch some fake sun for the first time.  But, I know that there are others out there like me, happy that they will for sure be growing something this year.  So...
  8. Dougthehead

    seeds Anyone need any seeds on my list?

    Like the title says, check this list out and let me know if you need anything.  I was given way more seeds than I will be able to sow this year and want to help out others.  These guys really hooked me up for way less than I was able to give them, and I want to give back to the community.  ...
  9. Dougthehead

    sports Your favorite Super Bowl commercial

    So, I thought I would get everyone's opinion on what your favorite commercial is during the Super Bowl. So far mine has been the Budweiser one with the puppy, sheesh almost made me tear up.
  10. Dougthehead

    seeds Looking to trade super hot seeds

    Hi guys, I thought I would make a post to try to find someone to trade seeds with this year.  I am looking for the hottest varieties available this year.  I don't mind if they haven't been isolated, just that they are more than likely going to produce blistering hot pods. The seeds I have to...
  11. Dougthehead

    Hello from Dallas, TX

    Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself.  My name is Doug, and I have been growing super hot peppers for about 8 years now.  I enjoy making hot sauces and challenging friends to try to eat the peppers I grow each year.  I try to get the hottest varieties currently available.  I have gotten...